Wednesday, 8 February 2017

Model details

A closer look
Pilot seat, wind screen, engine and airspeed indicator

Instruments and controls

Airspeed indicator, model Etévé, from WW I
Instrument panel
Instruments from left: rate of climb indicator, altimeter, tachometer, compass, pocket watch
Engine controls: power and mixture levers, near the engine the decompression lever

Control system

Front and rear wing linked together.
Wing actuation levers oriented conversely
Front wing control: stick pushed, trailing edge up
Front wing control, right
Rear wing control: stick pushed, trailing edge down
Rear wing control, right.
Rear wing control, left. Rudder control and rear landing gear
Front wing control, left

Landing gear

Pressed rim wheel, slide bearing
Axle suspension
Sprung rear support


Registration (format abandoned 1929 ;-): H(olland) - P(ou) D(u) C(iel) C(ontrollable)
West-Frisian flag, H(enry) M(ignet) - (model) 14 (version) 2 (1936)