Pilot seat, wind screen, engine and airspeed indicator |
Instruments and controls
Airspeed indicator, model Etévé, from WW I |
Instrument panel |
Instruments from left: rate of climb indicator, altimeter, tachometer, compass, pocket watch |
Engine controls: power and mixture levers, near the engine the decompression lever |
Control system
Front and rear wing linked together. Wing actuation levers oriented conversely |
Front wing control: stick pushed, trailing edge up |
Rear wing control: stick pushed, trailing edge down |
Rear wing control, right. |
Front wing control, left |
Landing gear
Pressed rim wheel, slide bearing |
Axle suspension |
Sprung rear support |
Registration (format abandoned 1929 ;-): H(olland) - P(ou) D(u) C(iel) C(ontrollable) |
West-Frisian flag, H(enry) M(ignet) - (model) 14 (version) 2 (1936) |